The greatest self-improvement fad that will never go away

We live in an age filled with unlimited tips, tutorials, podcasts and guru’s all promising to improve your life. Some come and go, but others reshape our ideas of what we should strive for when it comes to growth and self-development. However, there is a sure fire path to self-improvement that never ceases to succeed.

Fraser Island, Australia

Since the dawn of time, humanity has been filled with a sense of adventure; a desire to explore the unknown and change not just the world, but oneself. I have known firsthand the transformative power of travel, and I am better for the adventure.

Traveling changed who I am. It opened my world to so many people who may not see things the way I do, which has forced me to question and think through things which previously I just took for granted.  It also helped me to see just how lucky and blessed I am, and to be more appreciative and thankful.

Traveling forced me to become independent, show initiative, creativity, persistence and patience. Consequently as I grew in my awareness that those things did exist in me, I also grew in confidence and in self-esteem. If I could survive on my own, out of my comfort zone for so long, then I must be doing okay. I became more secure in myself, and therefore more at ease around other people, new people, different people.

Jebel Jais, United Arab Emirates
Jebel Jais, United Arab Emirates

At the same time, the more I see of the world, the more perspective I have on just how small and insignificant I am. The more I realize just how little of the world I really comprehend, and just how powerful, wild, majestic, uncontrollable and beautiful the world I live in really is, and how it doesn’t actually revolve around me.

Traveling sparked in me a craving and longing for adventure, for exploration, for new experiences. It taught me that some of life’s most precious moments are found on the road less traveled, off the beaten path and as a result I am more willing to take risks and step out boldly into the unknown. I would not be who I am now were it not for my experience traveling the world.

I am sure that many of you have similar stories about how travel has wrecked your life. The way travel has made you totally poor, and in the process made you richer than you ever thought possible.

St John, US Virgin Islands
St John, US Virgin Islands

The experiences, the sights, the precious time spent with people you treasure, and the unforgettable experiences shared with people you just met.

The food, the drinks, the smells, the places that you have spent your whole life dreaming about, the places you could have never have imagined

The weather, the waves, the magical moments that take your breath away, and the escape from reality that helps you to breathe again.

It’s an itch that can never be scratched, an appetite that can never be satisfied, a thirst that can never be quenched. And it is a path of development, enlightenment, growth and understanding that leaves you different to they way it found you. How has travel transformed your life?

Santorini, Greece
Santorini, Greece

Forever on Walkabout

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